Westmarch L5R Midreign! February 23, 2025.
Tentatively 11am to 5pm.
Fighting tournament, A&S tournament, court (?) and the Knighting of Thistledown
Google Map to the Marina Bay Park in Richmond
Dragonmaster Rules:
Westmarch Dragonmaster, February 23, 2025.
1. Cultural events consist of seven (7) categories, each of which is broken up into individual sub-
2. Standard sub-categories are listed for each category in the following table.
Category: Garb
Fighting Garb Made for wear on the battlefield
Court Garb Made for wear during Court or formal functions
Monster Garb Made for portrayal of a monster class
Other Garb Garb not covered within the other Garb events
Garb Accessory Belts, pouches, favors, but not jewelry.
Category: Art
Flat Art 2-D artistic medium (illustrations, painting, etc.)
3-D Art All three-dimensional artistic mediums
Needlework Embroidery, latch hook, cross-stitch, knitting, beadwork, etc. (Non-Machine)
Jewelry Items made to be worn as jewelry
Digital Media Photography, movies, web pages or digital enhanced art.
Category: Literature
Fiction Any fictional work
Non-Fiction Work based on factual events
Battlegame Description of a new game to play with Amtgard rules
Poetry Any type of Poetry
Tutorial Any instructional document, video, or other media
Category: Cooking
Main Dish Food served as a main course
Appetizer Food item to be served prior to or separate from a main dish
Side dish Food or condiment served to accompany a meal
Beverage Any beverage (but due to park rules, it cannot be alcoholic)
Dessert Food served primarily as a dessert
Category: Construction
Weapon Weapons legal for Amtgard use per RoP definitions
Shield Shields legal for Amtgard use per RoP definitions
Armor Any form of armor for Amtgard use per RoP definitions
Banner Any banner construction
Active Construction Items made for battlefield use not covered by other events
Passive Construction Items not for battlefield use and not already covered by other events
Category: Bardic
Singing Singing with or without accompaniment
Instrumental Music Any musical performance with an instrument
Dance Any form of dancing or choreographed movement
Recitation Story, poetry, comedy, drama, etc.
Category: Rose
Rose Items donated that have significant impact at the Kingdom level
Advertising Any activity or media that aids any Amtgard group in their recruitment efforts
3. All entries (or “items”) except cooking must be related in some way to Amtgard or the related
genres. Documentation notating such is encouraged.
4. All cooking entries:
a. Should be made primarily from scratch,
b. Should include enough for all judges to get an adequate taste of the entry,
c. Must include a copy of the recipe used, including a detailed list of ingredients for allergy
5. All entries must be signed in within the time constraints set forth by the autocrat of Crown
6. All entries into Cultural Events must be the individual work of the entrant or be listed as a joint
a. No more than one (1) qualifying entry may be a joint entry,
b. A joint entry is defined as an entry where less than 75% of the work was done by one
c. Entries in the Rose category are exempt from this rule; however, the candidate must be able
to describe their involvement or process in the selection, requisition, or commission of any
items purchased then donated to a group.
7. Only one (1) qualification may be received per contestant from each sub-category.
8. No item may be entered in more than one (1) sub-category.
9. Items entered in inappropriate sub-categories may be moved to other sub-categories by the
autocrat of Crown Qualifications, with the consent of the majority of the judges. Consultation should
be given to the entrant by the autocrat of the Crown Qualification Event.
10. Any entries in the literature category that are over one (1) page in length must be submitted to the
Autocrat at least two (2) weeks in advance for distribution to the judges.
a. Exceptions can be made for books and other printed material where the physical
presentation and design are to be considered for part of the score.
11. Entries in the rose category shall be judged by the entry’s impact to the Kingdom to receive and
benefit from the entry.
a. For example: several loaner-quality weapons and shields are less likely to benefit the
Kingdom and would be better suited for donation at the local level.
Section 5. JUDGING
1. Each entry in the Cultural Events of Crown Qualifications will be judged by a panel of optimally five
(5) judges appointed by the autocrat of Crown Qualifications. If we are unable to find 5 judges, we
will go with a 3 judge panel. If we cant find 3 judges, all items will be judged by a very angry Deimos.
2. All entries will be scored in increments of .1 on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0 by each judge, with 3.0 being
considered average and 5.0 being a perfect score.
a. If no score is given by the judge, then that is considered a null score, and will not impact the
average score for that item.
b. If a sub-category requires that an item be legal to the standards of the RoP, and an entry
fails those standards, that item shall not receive a qualifying (3.0 or higher) score.
3. All judges are expected to be unbiased and impartial.
4. Entries shall be judged on their own merits, and never in comparison to other entries.
5. Each entry will have all the judge's scores averaged to produce its final score.
a. If there are 5 judges present, the highest and lowest scores for each entry will be dropped
when averaging that entry’s scores.
6. An individual’s Arts and Sciences score shall be determined using the following:
a. In the case of multiple entries in the same sub-category, the highest scoring of them will be
used to score that sub-category.
b. The top three (3) sub-category scores will be added together to determine the Arts and
Sciences Score.
c. The individual with the highest Arts and Sciences Score shall be the Cultural Champion.