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DONE?  Might need more tweaks

Current main menu for caamtgard has a lot of tabs; this might lead to event pages getting lost.


  • Home
  • New
  • Welcome to the Kingdom of Westmarch
  • Officers
    • committees, handover instructions
  • Calendar
  • Rulebook
  • Documents
    • castle info, tourney sheets
  • Social Links
  • Forums
  • Lands
  • Fundraisers
  • crat instructions (only shows to certain roles)
    • and sub topics on creating pages etc
  • Event Archives
  • (as needed) next event information

Is there a better breakdown? ex

  • Westmarch
    • New
    • Officers
    • etc
  • Crat instructions
  • next event


And - who wants to take on the project?