
Writing Prompt August 20 2024 -Azazle Hawkins

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Writing Prompt August 20 2024 -Azazle Hawkins

Title: New Beginnings
Genre: Fantasy
Target Audience: YA
Any and all feed back is welcome please and thank you

This is always my least favorite part of my…interesting life. Laying inside this wooden box for hours, trapped in this confined space. Sometimes it isn't too bad. I prefer it when they keep the lid closed, at least at that point I could read or more importantly, focus on the life I need to invent. It’s harder when they have an open casket. Then I have to pretend to be dead and try not to fidget when humans touch me. Not that all humans are bad, I’m just very selective when it comes to my personal space. Though it is nice to feel loved and know that I will be missed in their lives. Sometimes I keep tabs on the family or group of people I attached myself to. Makes me feel like a person. Luckily this time it's a closed casket. Benji Carrel was my name for this lifetime. “Old Benji”, whoopsie haha corpses don't speak. Benji lived a quiet life- good to his neighbors and helpful to his friends. Seventy-two years Old Benji lived, and figured it was time to move along. Plus I was getting tired of being an old man. I think I’ll be…Aurelio this time Aurelio Pendragon. Loved those old folk tales, Arthur wasn't half bad either. The world today could use more good men like him around, horrible shame at the end of that story.

Now I've been moved to the hearse, let's see if the driver is less erratic this time. Usually they get a little more careless with their cargo the closer they get to the cemetery. Should I wait for the grave crew to finish with their work or should I give them a little fright with my true face. Not that I really have one. Opaque skin, gray silverish eyes, stark white hair, yup I have the face of no one. I did it once back in eighty-two haha I’ll never forget the look on the humans faces. I won’t though. In this day and age it's easier for humans to find us if we aren’t careful. As a changeling I have it easier than my fellow non human kin. As soon as it's clear I'll make my way to the Thimble. A quaint little pub downtown where the local uncommon folk come to meet up with each other and pick up work. There I’ll meet with my handler and pick up a new bounty along with a new social security number, id, drivers license, the works for a new identity and then I’ll return to my newest grave and make sure it's full. It’s a good set. I have a predisposal place after every funeral I have. The rest of the time I don't accept contract kills. No matter who or what, someone always wants something or someone taken care of or retrieved.

Haaa but then after I have to go sit at the DMV. Just a bigger coffin with more bodies in it. Humans don’t care much for it and neither do we. If only humans hadn’t forgotten the old ways and how to tap into the weave of magic, things would be so much easier for everyone. Maybe. My handler will probably suggest I move states again, thinks I’ve been here too long. I like it here though. California is more accepting of strange folk even if they don’t realize how strange we really are. Hmm perhaps I should work on having a more social life. Maybe look for a partner to share a life with… No, that’ll make things more complicated. Ah it's grown quiet outside; time for some fresh air and a nice stroll. Much to do on my list for Aurelio Pendragon.