
WM Monarch Handoff Checklist

  • Investigations
    • Status on current investigations
      • Overview of complaint, actors, investigation team
      • Add to investigation chat as needed
      • Resolve is outgoing monarch  should remain involved for continuity, and to what degree
    • Status on recently completed investigation
      • Concerns regarding blowback? Any followup?
  • Awards
    • Are there pending awards?
    • Are there pending scrolls?
    • Any individuals to monitor for high level awards
  • Accounts
    • Access to westmarch.amtgard@gmail.com (Prime Minister to complete)
    • Overview of structure of drive.google.com, any organizational projects. Overview of calendars.
    • Access to it.westmarch@gmail.com (IT or PM to complete)
    • Access to business.facebook.com, for group and page (PM to complete - should IT team be added to the business accounts to manage?)
    • Role update on Discord. (IT team to promote account)
    • Role update on caamtgard.com (IT team to promote account)
  • Events
    • Status of current bids and upcoming events
      • crats
      • finances (PM can assist with)
      • general status
  • Committees
    • IT team and corpora team; others as created
    • Give overview of members (should be listed on caamtgard) and projects. Committees should be able to give updates as well.
  • ORK
  • Circle of Monarchs - Amtgard
  • Circle of Monarchs - Westmarch
    • Update monarchy list for Westmarch, at -TO BE UPDATED
  • Words of Wisdom
    • Give your incoming monarch a pep talk, and give your outgoing monarch a huge kudos!

NB: Comments are open for this page, for updates, but will be moderated heavily to stay on topic and current.