- Agreement / Contract
- Kingdom specific
- Local specific
- Finances
- Review ledger, and cash, paypal, banking accounts
- Work with Board of Directors to update Letter of Authorization, to update signatories at Wells Fargo.
- Create an account at Wells Fargo if you don't have one, to gain access to WM bank accounts
- Get Paypal password, and update.
- Consult with BoD treasurer +- President regarding steps.
- Accounts
- KINGDOM get added to business.facebook.com
- Have role upgraded on Discord
- Have role upgraded on Caamtgard
- Get Google password for gmail, gdrive, calendar, youtube, and other Google assets. Update password, and share with Monarch.
- Review sharing settings on gdrive: bod folder, Regents folder, Champions folder, GMRs folder. When monarchy changes you'll be updating sharing.
- KINGDOM Join IT team chat - you will have some technical aspect to work with, hopefully less as time goes on
- KINGDOM Join corpora committee chat, for updates for althing proposals
- KINGDOM Sharing WM Google Calendar
- Awards
- Update with any pending awards not entered into the ork, or pending information from outgoing monarch
- Credits
- Update with any sign in sheets pending enter
- Events
- Update with financial status of up coming events: prepays, moneys out, site reservations to be paid by WM
- Prepays might be handled in part by IT team, if caamtgard is being utilized
- Update with status of recently completed events
- Have financials, receipts, sign in sheets, award lists been handed over yet? What is the ETA
- Investigations
- Status on current investigations
- Overview of complaint, actors, investigation team
- Add to investigation chat as needed
- Resolve is outgoing monarch should remain involved for continuity, and to what degree
- Status on recently completed investigation
- Concerns regarding recent discisions, blowback, followup inquiries,
- Coordinate with Monarch on this
- Words of Wisdom
- Give your incoming Prime Minister a pep talk, and give your outgoing Prime Minister a huge kudos!
NB: Comments are open for this page, for updates, but will be moderated heavily to stay on topic and current.