- Awards
- Are there pending awards?
- Are there pending scrolls?
- Any individuals to monitor for high level awards
- Share list of scrollmakers (should be on WM gdrive)
- Accounts
- Kingdom specific
- upgraded role on caamtgard (monarchy or IT team can handle)
- Access to Regent's folder on WM gdrive (PM can do)
- Kingdom and local
- upgraded role on Discord (IT team can handle)
- Inventory list
- Kingdom Specific
- Verify inventory lists (Old sheets live on WM g-drive; new format as of 2024 is on caamtgard)
- If any individuals are storing items, discuss with BoD if a storage contract is needed.
- Kingdom and Local
- Discuss any pending updates in terms of locations of items, counts
- Calendar
- Ongoing projects
- Any special projects the regent would like to pass on?
- Words of Wisdom
- Give your incoming regent a pep talk, and give your outgoing regent a huge kudos!
NB: Comments are open for this page, for updates, but will be moderated heavily to stay on topic and current.